this is my 2nd contest in Jun but
1st time join contest yang dianjurkan oleh
yang bertajuk
Cutest Baby in Red Contest
kredit to et coz tell me the contest ahaks..
nape aku nk sgt join contest ni?
sbb hadiahnye saaaangaat menarik dan tertarik
yang disponsor oleh
ok here it is..

Name : Qasrina Batrisyia bt Shahrul Amin
Dob : 4th Julai 2008
my little princess should grab the title “Cutest Baby in Red“ because Qasrina look very cute in Red and she have a lot of baju/skirt/tshirt/seluar in Red color. Qasrina is very peramah just like red bird..hehe and also she always make anybody laugh with her cute memek muka.. and 1 more dia sangat pandai mengejek kalau dengar baby lain menangis..haha and 1 more lagi..dia sgt cute kerana pipi nye yang tembam dihiasi dengan mulutnye yang halus...;D
dats all the rules..simple dimple kan?
so jom ramai2 kite kasi meriah ini contest
just folow dis step n u can be the winner..
this is my 2nd contest in Jun but
1st time join contest yang dianjurkan oleh
yang bertajuk
Cutest Baby in Red Contest
kredit to et coz tell me the contest ahaks..
nape aku nk sgt join contest ni?
sbb hadiahnye saaaangaat menarik dan tertarik
yang disponsor oleh
ok here it is..

Name : Qasrina Batrisyia bt Shahrul Amin
Dob : 4th Julai 2008
my little princess should grab the title “Cutest Baby in Red“ because Qasrina look very cute in Red and she have a lot of baju/skirt/tshirt/seluar in Red color. Qasrina is very peramah just like red bird..hehe and also she always make anybody laugh with her cute memek muka.. and 1 more dia sangat pandai mengejek kalau dengar baby lain menangis..haha and 1 more lagi..dia sgt cute kerana pipi nye yang tembam dihiasi dengan mulutnye yang halus...;D
dats all the rules..simple dimple kan?
so jom ramai2 kite kasi meriah ini contest
just folow dis step n u can be the winner..
- Get a photo of your baby in RED (red dress/red shirt/red pant/red hat/red towel/red blanket… no! you can’t paint your baby red…ha..ha..ha)
- Write a blog post about this contest with title MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby in Red Contest
- Include your baby’s photo in the post and mention his/her name and date of birth.
- Explain why your baby should grab the title “Cutest Baby in Red“
- Include a link to this contest page, PhotoBook Malaysia and AliceWonders in your entry.
- Leave a comment here with link to your blog post. That’s it! Easy peasy.
Good Luck ya! saya pun tengah cari gambar ALia berpakaian merah ni.. :)
iihhh ... ini yg aku jeles nih. Aku suker contest tp x leh join sb terlebih umur. Dah tua ler ... x dek anak kecik lagi ...
Zuhaini :hehe TQ..gud luck to u too..
precious :jgn jeles ye..kekeke nnti ade contest utk kategori terlebih umur leh la join hehe :D
hehe...caiyuk2 bai...dania xder baju merah la...nk kene carik kt kedai...:p
kita pun dah siap entry ni cuma nak upload gambar & pulish je....cayok2 Qasrina tomei....
et : huhu sempat lagi ni nk g cari baju kt kedai..beli lebih2 skit..leh kasi kt Qasrina sama hehe
mama_Aqish : hehe tq..chaiyuk2 utk aqish juga..jom ber'contest' hehe
hwaaa...nak masuk gaks ar..kena bc T&C bebtoi nie...
comel la baby qasrina ni... saya pun ada masuk... kalo free lawat la blob saya ek... salam perkenalan...
salah eja lak... Blog hehehehe... Sharewithoya.blogspot. happy viewing!
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